Otoka, Džemala Bijedića
For Rent, Flat, Sarajevo, Otoka
Three-room apartment in the new building "Avenija" in the immediate vicinity of Bingo City Center, Otoka
0 0 48m2
1.200 KM ~614 EUR
1 Dnevni boravak sl_1 (1/17)
2 Dnevni boravak sl_2 (2/17)
3 Spavaca soba 1 sl_1 (3/17)
4 Spavaca soba sl_2 (4/17)
5 Spavaca soba 2 (5/17)
6 Kuhinja (6/17)
7 Trpezarija (7/17)
8 Dnevni boravak sl_3 (8/17)
9 Kupatilo (9/17)
10 Predsoblje (10/17)
11 Lođa (11/17)
12 Pogled (12/17)
13 Klima (13/17)
14 Drvena stolarija (14/17)
15 Pvc stolarija (15/17)
16 Termostat (16/17)
17 Blindo vrata (17/17)
Would you like to make an appointment for inspection of this property? For this and other detailed information in English, please contact us on e-mail: rent2@prostor.ba or phone number: 061/280-694
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